Haiku, poems, and stories

Random thoughts and stories, maybe even the occasional photo.


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

folding cranes
as many as it takes ...

Posted to Facebook's NaHaiWriMo page on 8/29/2012 in response to the prompt healthcare.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

morning mist
an angler casts his line
iris bloom on the shore

laying out the paper
carefully tearing it to size
dreams of a great painting
Posted on Facebook's NaHaiWriMo page, August 28, 2012, in response to the prompt wishes or dreams.

I'm not a fisherman, so I don't really know what they wish for.  But the ones I have talked with all say that catching fish is not what it is about.  It is about being on the river and engaged in the process, though I suppose that an exciting contest with their quarry would be welcome.  I do know about painting.  For me, preparing the paper is an important part of the process.  The whiteness of the paper, its texture and feel, interacting with it and tearing it carefully to the shape and size I want--those are all part of getting ready to paint.

Monday, August 27, 2012

in an octopus's garden ...
a yellow submarine
Posted on FB's NaHaiWriMo page, August 27, 2012, in response to the prompt Beatles' songs.  A number of good haiku were posted in response to that prompt.  While I  like the Beatles' music, I don't know it well enough.  Some of the people posting clearly know all the songs and all the words.  Born later ...  :-)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

aargh, time is running out
to write today's haiku ...
maybe tomorrow

Sometimes the words just won't come...

moon shadows
march across my ceiling ...
time takes its time

And sometimes sleep just won't come ...

Both posted on FB's NaHaiWriMo page, August 26, 2012, in response to the prompt, time.

ball tag on the dock
and in the water ...
thwak! Sandy's it!

Posted on FB's NaHaiWriMo page, August 25, 2012, in response to the prompt, summer childhood memories

We lived next door to a yacht club.  We weren't the yachting types;  we didn't own a yacht.  But they ran a sailing school each summer and my parents thought it a good idea to enroll my sister and me.  I guess the club thought it a good idea to let the neighbors join.  I spent my summers on the dock, in the water, and in small sail boats.  It was a wonderful way to grow up!