Haiku, poems, and stories

Random thoughts and stories, maybe even the occasional photo.


Sunday, May 5, 2013

lingering cold ~
the neighbor's cat
lounges in the sun

Originally posted on Facebook's NaHaiWriMo page on 2/10/2013. Prompt was garden.
Baia di Napoli
autumn sunset, wine ~
Torna a Sorrento
Originally posted on Facebook's NaHaiWriMo page on 3/30/2012.  Prompt was romantic trip.

the cod are gone ...
long ago, young folk
moved to the city

The photograph in this haiga was taken in Red Cliffe, Newfoundland & Labrador, on June 21, 2012.  The  haiku is based, in part, on the song "Make and Break Harbour" by Stan Rogers and is intended as an homage to Mr. Rogers, to Newfoundland's outports, and to the people who lived in the outports.  

Here are some of the lines of Mr. Rogers' song:  "And the young folk don't stay with the fisherman's ways / Long ago they all moved to the cities." And the chorus: "In Make and Break Harbour the boats are so few / Too many are holed up and rotten. / Most houses stand empty old nets hung to dry / Are blown away lost and forgotten." Stan Rogers can be heard singing it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E2DFa18kYI