Haiku, poems, and stories

Random thoughts and stories, maybe even the occasional photo.


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Posted about a year ago ...

June gloom 
yellow’s on the broom– 
road trip time 

‘June gloom’ is a term used regularly on California’s central coast to describe a particular weather pattern we associate with late spring and early summer, which, according to Wikipedia, “results in cloudy, overcast skies with cool temperatures… [It] is caused by the marine layer effect common to the West Coast….” At the same time, the Scotch broom is in bloom. It’s considered a noxious exotic species, but it’s pretty on the hill- and roadsides. The second line of the haiku is from a song by Adam McNaughton about the Scotland's traveling folk called 'The Yellow's on the Broom'. It’s one of the first songs I want to play when I hit the road.

Posted on Facebook's NaHaiWriMo page on April 23, 2012.  The prompt was local seasonal reference (here June gloom). 

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